Sugarcane is one of the crops that have been planted since the start of the pilot phase of IWAD irrigation project in Yagaba. Nine (9) varieties are currently planted on site, six (6) varieties were brought from Mauritius by cuttings, two (2) varieties from South Africa by seedlings and 1 variety from Komenda by cuttings – Local Var.

All varieties received the necessary conditions for good growth and also went through a hardening-off process in preparation for field conditions. All varieties survived and have produced reasonable tillers at 3cm- 4cm stalk diameter to 3m-3.5m height of value stalk and are of best stands. The estimated yield ranges from 130 -134 t/ha. There is absolutely no disease infestation recorded since these seed cane varieties have been established and with most of the varieties being better drought resistant in quality.