Ghana Limited (IWAD), Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of African Tiger Holding Limited (ATHL), and an active investor in Northern Ghana (Yagaba, Mamprugu Moaduri District, North East Region). We engage in Seed Production using large-scale modernized solar powered irrigation that ensures all year round production, working with both a Nucleus Estate and smallholder Farmers.
The company since 2016 has focused on certified and foundation seeds Production, conditioning & marketing to meet the need of the Ghanaian Farmer.
IWAD’s Farm grows seed crops such as Maize, rice, soybean, cowpea, groundnut, and testing sugarcane varieties. Since 2017, IWAD has been a consistent Large local supplier of seeds (hybrids/Open Pollinated Varieties) to Government’s flagship programmme “Planting for Food and Jobs” (PFJ). Our company has supplied over 1000 metric tons locally produced varieties of seeds, including hybrids under the initiative.
IWAD has established itself as a supplier of high quality certified and foundation seeds in Ghana. IWAD seeds; Quality seeds, rich harvest. IWAD is your reliable agribusiness partner

The Integrated Water and Agricultural Development Ghana (IWAD) is a private company that is engaged in Agriculture development through the promotion of irrigation using a Nucleus and out grower Farmer model. IWAD has established a modern 400ha (250 ha nucleus farm and a 150 ha out-grower) flagship irrigation scheme in Yagaba (Mamprugu Moaduri District, Northern Region).
The Scheme has four main irrigation systems comprising 260ha center pivot, 99ha modified dragline, 39ha Furrow and 15ha drip. The drip block is dedicated to vegetable production.
IWAD has a total area of 16 hectors under sugarcane production. Average Brix value of 23 with an average purify content of 87%. Sugarcane yields ranging from 90-100tons per hector. A total of 1200 tons of sugarcane available for crashing and other uses.
Interested persons should contact: 0596914694|0244129257