On Saturday, the 22nd of April, 2017, IWAD led by the Operations Manager received an entourage from the Government of Ghana at the project site in Yagaba. The entourage included the Northern Regional Minister, Hon. Salifu Saeed; Minister of State in-charge of Special Development Initiatives, Hon. Hawa Koomson and other dignitaries. The Operations Manager, Small holder Irrigation, Monitoring & Evaluation and Customary Land Liaison Officers as well as Community Education, Gender and Advocacy Officer walked the team through the site and explained IWAD’s operations to them.
Also, IWAD was fortunate to receive Mr. Soeters Sebastian, to conduct a research geared towards fostering farmer-fulani livelihood synergies. Mr. Sebastian works for the University of Utrecht in Holland and was invited by the Managing Director (MD) of IWAD, Mr. Tom Durang to carry out the research.
The objectives of Sebastian’s visit included, identifying IWAD infrastructure and natural resource creation and use including geo-tagging; identifying changes in livelihoods and customary practices in communities; identifying and documenting changing perceptions of land users (farmers, Fulani’s, etc.) and local authorities in resolving/exacerbating conflict.